

  • Practices with the highest number of recent reviews and better star ratings get more web traffic in comparison to the average practice
  • 88% of patients trust online reviews just as much as a personal recommendation
  • Patients are 3x more likely to write a positive review if asked and given an easy way to do it


Bad Review Blocker

Bad Review Blocker prevents negative 1-Star reviews from being posted about your practice. This type of customer feedback is only seen by you and gives your practice the opportunity to get in touch with the patient in order to fix the issue directly, before it is published online.

Pricing & Features

$299 /month (month-to-month)


$149/month (paid annually upfront)

per location

+ $500 $0 start up fee

(for a limited time only)

  • 30 Review Requests Per Month
  • 30 Negative Reviews Blocked Per Month
  • Increase Visibility/Credibility
  • Book More Appointments
  • Send Review Requests Through The DearDoc App